Something went wrong when we were recording the Godsmack chat or "Pep Rally" on 11/12/98, and a lot of it was not recorded. However, some of it was, so here it is. Something is better than nothing, right? :)
<Begin Chat>
(unrecorded part)
<end chat>
REVRUTHY> is this thing transcribing?
SMACKTHIS> yeah, its transcribing now
KLOWNMAN> so...Godsmack's pretty cool huh
SMACKTHIS> oh yeah
REVRUTHY> hee hee, how strange!
KLOWNMAN> dont know, mackthis is workin on it
KLOWNMAN> i readont know how it all works
REVRUTHY> so are you guys all in high school?
SINSEVEN> so, what was the point of having this chat?
KLOWNMAN> see u can talk to me here
REVRUTHY> i thought it would be fun to have it
SINSEVEN> I am in collage
REVRUTHY> better than sending emails back and forth
KLOWNMAN> kik ass dood
KLOWNMAN> e and smack are
REVRUTHY> i'm done with college
REVRUTHY> i'm a working woman now
SINSEVEN> I go to UMASS, Amherst and i am studying Computer Systems Engineering
KLOWNMAN> what collage sin?
REVRUTHY> you'll be able to get a good job when you are done
SINSEVEN> i should hope so, its a pain in the ass
KLOWNMAN> sin, u go to the korn show there?
REVRUTHY> what year are you?
SINSEVEN> yep, and i met Jon and Fieldy and got their autographs
REVRUTHY> i have yet to see korn
SINSEVEN> i am in my 4th year, but it will take 5 to graduate
KLOWNMAN> i wet to the show in lowell
REVRUTHY> it took me 6 to graduate sin, no big deal these days
SINSEVEN> they don't play long enough, it was my second time, and both were a
little over an hour
KLOWNMAN> didnt meet them tho
REVRUTHY> only an hour or so? that's a short show!
SINSEVEN> I do work for Immortal and they got me tickets and backstage passes
SINSEVEN> for free
REVRUTHY> right on!
SINSEVEN> i get tons of free shit all the time, for me and to hand out to people
REVRUTHY> how many times have you seen godsmack?
KLOWNMAN> yeah, it was still cool tho
SMACKTHIS> I have seen them 4 times, i think.
SINSEVEN> ONce, they opened for Limp Bizkit
REVRUTHY> i had a friend who worked for the UCLA newspaper and he used to get
free shit all the time too
SINSEVEN> best show i have ever been to, only 2000 people
REVRUTHY> i've only seen them once
KLOWNMAN> so, where is every1?
REVRUTHY> it's still patient
REVRUTHY> i'm betting some people forgot tho
** MIKE165 just joined "Godsmack Pep Rally" (5 members now) **
KLOWNMAN> yeah, but i'm gonna hafta leave soon
SMACKTHIS> yeah, I have 6:00 exactly
REVRUTHY> here's anther person.....hi mike
MIKE165> - signed off -
KLOWNMAN> hey mike
SINSEVEN> by mike
REVRUTHY> oh....k. i guess not?
SMACKTHIS> I sent a message to everyone on the fans' email list
REVRUTHY> that's good smack, i thought about doing that but i didn't have time
SINSEVEN> i have to study for a midterm that is in an hour
SMACKTHIS> hopefully they will join
REVRUTHY> la la la
SINSEVEN> what was up with that kid that went off on you?
REVRUTHY> dammit! my ICQ went offline again
SMACKTHIS> I also tried to send one out on our own list, but I don't know if
people willl get it in time
KLOWNMAN> is any1 else using html mode?
KLOWNMAN> t sucks, its all slow and shit
REVRUTHY> i'm not sure sin, just a troll i guess
REVRUTHY> he was pretty nasty tho wasn't he?
SINSEVEN> i was gonna try IRC, but this is working
REVRUTHY> i think i'm doing the java thing
REVRUTHY> i hate IRC, it's a pain in the ass
REVRUTHY> i used it for the first time a few weeks ago
KLOWNMAN> i dont like IRC
/JOIN Godsmack Pep Rally
SINSEVEN> on tv, i love this show, and south park
KLOWNMAN> i hate it when that happens
REVRUTHY> me too
EIREXOM> me too
KLOWNMAN> i like yell at some1, then later, i'm all like "hmmm i shoulda
sed THAT"
EIREXOM> where r all u guys all from
KLOWNMAN> me neither
SMACKTHIS> Im from connecticut
KLOWNMAN> arlington, MA
REVRUTHY> seattle
KLOWNMAN> dezlover is from WV
SMACKTHIS> where are you from?
KLOWNMAN> but shes takin a mid-term
EIREXOM> holyoke, mass
REVRUTHY> dez is off taking a final
KLOWNMAN> oh, final, i meant
REVRUTHY> whatever
REVRUTHY> or whateva
REVRUTHY> making fun of your accent
KLOWNMAN> i cant read my mail
REVRUTHY> why not?
SMACKTHIS> sully's got a heavy accent, if you listen to the interview,
you can hear it.
KLOWNMAN> dont have that accent
REVRUTHY> i know he's pretty funny
EIREXOM> yeah ive talked to him
REVRUTHY> he sounds like a full blown north boston italian
KLOWNMAN> yeah, he likes lobsTAH
EIREXOM> it sounds funny when he says my name
KLOWNMAN> and he plays in Wooostah
REVRUTHY> i hope he gets to read this
EIREXOM> he probably too busy
KLOWNMAN> whats yer name?
SMACKTHIS> eirexom, what is your name?
KLOWNMAN> im chris
REVRUTHY> my real name is a secret, sorry
KLOWNMAN> if you were wonderin
EIREXOM> and ruthy
SMACKTHIS> ok stephanie
REVRUTHY> but it's not ruthy
SMACKTHIS> im patrick (or pat)
EIREXOM> oh ok
REVRUTHY> or ruthy even
REVRUTHY> or ruth
REVRUTHY> i mean
SMACKTHIS> is it stephanie?
EIREXOM> i think shes lying....
KLOWNMAN> who's stephanie
SMACKTHIS> oh, ok, thats what it was in the email thing, tho, right?
REVRUTHY> stephanie is somebody else on the list
SMACKTHIS> o, ok, sorry for the confusion
KLOWNMAN> Ruthy's name is Stephanie...doot doot doot
EIREXOM> i dont know im confused...
REVRUTHY> i am the IrReverend Ruth Leviticus Genesis
EIREXOM> thats a long name
REVRUTHY> but that is not my real name
REVRUTHY> and i am NOT a stephanie
REVRUTHY> i'm not pretty enough to be a stephanie
REVRUTHY> all stephanies are pretty
EIREXOM> not true
KLOWNMAN> im sorry
KLOWNMAN> no, only most of them are
REVRUTHY> true, at least in my world
EIREXOM> not in mine
SMACKTHIS> i dont know many stephanies, so i can t judge
REVRUTHY> well, there you go
EIREXOM> altho my world sux
KLOWNMAN> you should visit MY world, its fun
REVRUTHY> my world sux harder
KLOWNMAN> my world kicks ass
EIREXOM> yr worlds fun chris?
REVRUTHY> ok, i'll visit klownworld
REVRUTHY> chrisworld
KLOWNMAN> hell yea
EIREXOM> where is it
REVRUTHY> helleyeah
KLOWNMAN> hmm.. if i told you, i'd hafta kill ya
REVRUTHY> my webpage is a fun world....
REVRUTHY> have you guys seen it?
SMACKTHIS> whats yer webpage?
EIREXOM> im not sure
REVRUTHY> madlaw's speed metal fan club
KLOWNMAN> pat should know bout my world tho
KLOWNMAN> t a little bit
REVRUTHY> that's my world
KLOWNMAN> my webpage is also cool
SMACKTHIS> oh yeah, his world is fucked up
REVRUTHY> only 15 more minutes to go and then i'm outta work! yeah!
SMACKTHIS> rev- whats yer address (webpage)
KLOWNMAN> but it kicks ass
KLOWNMAN> i been to her webpage
REVRUTHY> i've been to your webpage too chris
EIREXOM> i gotta go guys have fun
REVRUTHY> and thanks, i love my webpage
KLOWNMAN> it was coo, from what i was, i was only there for a min
REVRUTHY> ok, bye eire
EIREXOM> - signed off -
REVRUTHY> is it just us again?
KLOWNMAN> i hate it when my puter only types SOME of the letters i do
SMACKTHIS> im here
REVRUTHY> my puter at home does that all the time
REVRUTHY> we are the big holdouts, the ringleaders, the ones that rule
REVRUTHY> what is it, like 8:00 where you guys are?
SMACKTHIS> oh yeah
SMACKTHIS> it always comes down to us.
KLOWNMAN> i hate to rain on everyone's slut parade, but this whole
"pep-rally" kinda keeled over and died
SMACKTHIS> unless im not here, then its just you
REVRUTHY> i think we should get prizes for being on here for so long
SMACKTHIS> i have 7:44
REVRUTHY> well maybe next time we will call it "slut parade" and more
people will come
KLOWNMAN> since we set it up, we'd hafta give the prizes to ourselves
SMACKTHIS> i think so too. maybe godsmack will give us vip passes to
some big show
KLOWNMAN> good idea
REVRUTHY> that's ok. i'm gonna reward myself with a nice fat bongload of the coach
REVRUTHY> when i get off work, of course
REVRUTHY> but i wouldn't mind vip passes eihter
KLOWNMAN> at work
KLOWNMAN> dammit, slow again
REVRUTHY> yeah like i could do my job stoned
KLOWNMAN> i can go to school stoned
REVRUTHY> ok, next chat is officially "the Godsmack Slut Parade". i bet we get a buncha random horny guys
SMACKTHIS> and i bet you do, everyday
KLOWNMAN> gotta go eat...that hamburger is done now
SMACKTHIS> yeah, itll probly work
REVRUTHY> yeah i'm outie too. gotta walk home in the rain :(
SMACKTHIS> i hafta admit, i didnt really like the m=name "pep rally"
REVRUTHY> i meant it as a joke, didn't thin you guys would use it
SMACKTHIS> well, ya never know
REVRUTHY> pep rally is so lame and high-schooly. but it was my lame idea
REVRUTHY> slut parade is infinitely better
SMACKTHIS> yeah, well, do you have any more to say before i turn the transcript off?
REVRUTHY> all right, gotta go. nice talking to you guys, see you on the email!
REVRUTHY> nah, i got nothing more to say about fucking godsmack, especially sully that dog
REVRUTHY> that dog with the fucked up eye
REVRUTHY> see ya!
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