Transcribed by Matt Welke (
Dropped D Tuning Verse E--------------------------|-----------------------------| B--------------------------|-----------------------------| G--------------------------|-----------------------------| D-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-|4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4-5-5-7-7-5-5-| x6 A-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-|4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4-5-5-7-7-5-5-| D-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-|4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4-5-5-7-7-5-5-| Chorus E-----------------------|-------------------| B-----------------------|-------------------| G-----------------------|-------------------| D-0-0--------0-0--------|4-4--------4-4-4-2-| x2 A-0-0-5h6-5--0-0-5h6-5--|4-4-4h5-4--4-4-4-2-| D-0-0--------0-0--------|4-4--------4-4-4-2-| Verse 2 E--------------------------|-------------------------| B--------------------------|-------------------------| G--------------------------|-------------------------| D-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-|4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-| A-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-|4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-| D-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-|4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-| E--------------------------|-------------------------| B--------------------------|-------------------------| G--------------------------|-------------------------| D-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-|4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---------| A-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-|4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---------| D-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---0-2-2-|4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---------| Verse x4 Chorus x4 Verse x2 (little different on the ending) Part 1 E-------------------------| B-------------------------| G-------------------------| D-0-4--0-4--0-4--0-4--5/4-| x8 A-0-4--0-4--0-4--0-4--5/4-| D-0-4--0-4--0-4--0-4--5/4-| Part 2 E----------------------| B----------------------| G----------------------| D----------------------| A-99999999997777777777-| D----------------------| i think used with a wa-wa pedal Part 1 x2 Part 2 Part 1 Part 2 x2 Part 4 E-------| B-------| G-------| D-4--9/-| x2 A-4--9/-| D-4--9/-| Part 1 x4 Part 2 Part 1 x2 Part 2 part 1 Part 5 E--------------------| B--------------------| G--------------------| D-0-4--0-4--0-4--0-4-| A-0-4--0-4--0-4--0-4-| D-0-4--0-4--0-4--0-4-| Part 1 x8 Part 2 x3 Part 1 part 5
Feel free to send your comments, suggestions, corrections to
Transcribed by Alex Williamson.
Dropped D Tuning Verse E :| ----------------|---------------- | B :| ----------------|---------------- | G :|*----------------|----------------*| D :|*44444-4444--022-|44444-4444557755*| A :| 44444-4444--022-|44444-4444557755 | D :| 44444-4444--022-|44444-4444557755 | Verse Variation E :|----------------|----------------| B :|----------------|----------------| G :|----------------|----------------| D :|44444-4444--022-|44444-4444------| A :|44444-4444--022-|44444-4444------| D :|44444-4444--022-|44444-4444------| Chorus E :| ----------------|---------------- | B :| ----------------|---------------- | G :|*----------------|----------------*| D :|*0-00---0-0-0----|4-44---4-4-44-2-*| A :| 0-005650-0-0565-|4-444544-4-44-2- | D :| 0-00---0-0-0----|4-44---4-4-44-2- | "Why is it everyday?" part (Post-Chorus) E :| ---------------- | B :| ---------------- | G :|*----------------*| D :|*00000-0000--022-*| A :| 00000-0000--022- | D :| 00000-0000--022- | End Riff 1 E :| ---------------- | B :| ---------------- | G :|*----------------*| D :|*04-04-04-04-454-*| A :| 04-04-04-04-454- | D :| 04-04-04-04-454- | End Riff 2 E :| ------------------ | B :| 7---^----5---^---- | G :|*---/-\------/-\---*| D :|*--/---\----/---\--*| A :| -/-----\--/-----\- | D :| /-------\/-------\ | Slashes represent rise & fall of wah-wah pedal. End Riff 3 E :| ---------------- | B :| ---------------- | G :| ---------------- | D :| 2-2-2---2-2-2--- | A :| 2-2-2---2-2-2--- | D :| 2-2-2---2-2-2--- | End Riff E :| ---------------- | B :| ---------------- | G :| ---------------- | D :| 04-04-04-04----- | A :| 04-04-04-04----- | D :| 04-04-04-04----- | Order: Verse 6x Chorus 2x Post-Chorus 2x Verse Variation Verse 4x Chorus 4x Post-Chorus 2x Verse 1x (Different Rhythm) Post-Chorus 2x Verse 1x (Different Rhythm) Play strings DAD at fret 4 Bass plays End Riff 1 4x - Guitar B:|-6b7- End Riff 1 8x End Riff 2 1x End Riff 1 2x End Riff 2 1x End Riff 1 2x End Riff 3 1x End Riff 1 4x Palm Muted End Riff 2 1x End Riff 1 2x End Riff 2 1x End Riff 1 1x End Riff 4 1x End Riff 1 8x End Riff 2 3x End Riff 1 1x End Riff 4 1x
Transcribed by James Gerard (
Keep in mind I'm a drummer trying to figure this out
h= hammer on /=slideIntro/Verse E--------------------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------------------------- D--4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4---4-4-2-2-2---4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4-4h5/7 A--4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4---4-4-2-2-2---4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4-4h5/7 D--4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4---4-4-2-2-2---4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4-4h5/7 Chorus (In my life.....) E------------------------------------------------------ B------------------------------------------------------ G------------------------------------------------------ D--0-0-0-0-1h2-0--0-0-0-0-0-1h2-0--4-4-4-4----4-4-4-4-4 A--0-0-0-0--------0-0-0-0-0--------4-4-4-4----4-4-4-4-4 D--0-0-0-0--------0-0-0-0-0--------4-4-4-4-6--4-4-4-4-4 Post Chorus or whatever it is (Why is iteveryday......) E---------------------------------------------------------- B---------------------------------------------------------- G---------------------------------------------------------- D--2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2--2-2-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2--2-2-0-0-0 A--2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2--2-2-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2--2-2-0-0-0 D--2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2--2-2-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2--2-2-0-0-0 E-------------------------------------------------- B-------------------------------------------------- G-------------------------------------------------- D--4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4---4-4-2------4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4 A--4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4---4-4-2------4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4 D--4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4---4-4-2------4-4-4-4---4-4-4-4 Verse 2 (same as verse 1) Chorus Post Chorus Interlude (I don't know the wah stuff or anything just the main part) E-------------------------------------------------- B-------------------------------------------------- G-------------------------------------------------- D--0-4-0-4-0-4-0-4-0-6-6------0-4-0-4-0-4-0-4-0-6-6 A--0-4-0-4-0-4-0-4-0-6-6------0-4-0-4-0-4-0-4-0-6-6 D--0-4-0-4-0-4-0-4-0-6-6------0-4-0-4-0-4-0-4-0-6-6 At one tme during the interlude it just does E------------------ B------------------ G------------------ D-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 A-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 D-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 Then Palm Mute the interlude for 4 measures Then just finish off the song with the rest of the interlude. Listen to the song as you play
Transcribed by Alex Williamson.
Dropped D Tuning Verse G :| ----------------|---------------- | D :|*----------------|----------------*| A :|*----------------|----------------*| D :| 44444-4444--022-|44444-4444557755 | Verse Variation G :|----------------|----------------| D :|----------------|----------------| A :|----------------|----------------| D :|44444-4444--022-|44444-4444------| Chorus G :| ----------------|---------------- | D :|*----------------|----------------*| A :|*----565-----565-|----454---------*| D :| 0-00---0-0-0----|4-44---4-4-44-2- | "Why is it everyday?" part (Post-Chorus) G :| ---------------- | D :|*----------------*| A :|*----------------*| D :| 00000-0000--022- | End Riff 1 G :| ---------------- | D :|*----------------*| A :|*----------------*| D :| 04-04-04-04-454- | End Riff 2 G :| ---------------- | D :| ----2-------2--- | A :| --2-------2----- | D :| 2-------2------- | End Riff 3 G :| ---------------- | D :| ---------------- | A :| ---------------- | D :| 04-04-04-04----- | Order: Verse 6x Chorus 2x Post-Chorus 2x Verse Variation Verse 4x Chorus 4x Post-Chorus 2x Verse 1x (Different Rhythm) Post-Chorus 2x Verse 1x (Different Rhythm) Play 4th string D at fret 4 End Riff 1 20x End Riff 2 1x End Riff 1 11x End Riff 3 1x End Riff 1 15x End Riff 4 1x