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Blast to the Moon... Godsmack Tabs

    Here is where you will find tablature for your favorite Godsmack tunes. In case you don't know, tablature, or tabs for short, is a way of writing down music, usually for a guitar. If you need more instruction on how to write tabs, email us.

    Since figuring out tabs is a very time-consuming process, and the creators of this site do have lives (although not much of lives) and we wanted to add more interactivity to this site, we have decided to let the viewers (you) write the tabs. Your name, email address, and homepage url will also be published, so that you get credit for your hard work. Of course, if you don't want us to publish your name etc. then we won't, we respect your privacy.

    To view the tabs, click on the song title.

    *-We don't have tabs for these songs, please submit your tabs below
    †-This song is the same as the beginning to Get Up, Get Out!

    To send us a tab, fill out this form.

    Your Name:

    Your email address:

    Your homepage URL:


    What instrument are these tabs for?

    Which song that you have tabs for?


    If you find that it is pretty hard to get the tabs to work in the text box (which is very possible) you can also email us, and attach your tabs in a .txt* file. If you do this, be sure to include all the nessicary info, that we asked above.

    * - All a text (.txt) file is, is a file where each character written, is the same width as every other character (so a line of 10 "I"'s and a line of 10 "W"'s would be the same length). If you have the "Notepad" program on your computer, it uses that format. Any other questions you have, email us and we'll see what we can do.

© 1998 Blast to the Moon... All rights reserved.