Transcribed by Jen (
Here's the bass tab for Now Or Never, off of All Wound Up. This is my first time figuring out a song, so bare with me. I got it by watching Robbie play it at Warped Tour, so I'm %97 positive that it is right.
It's in dropped D tuning (low-high: D A D G) h-hammer on The intro, verse, and most of the song G|-----------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------| A|--------8---------------------8------6-| D|-0000--0000-6-7-0000--00-0---|At certain points in the song you can hear this variation. (Sometimes when the guitar is playing too)
A|--------7h8-------------------7h8--------6-| D|-0000-----0000-6-7-000-------00-0---| then the chorus part is G|---------------|----------------| D|---------------|----------7--5-| A|-8------6-----|-5---0--------| D|---------------|----------------| (repeat ^ a couple of x)