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    So you want to be a part of this Godsmack page. Thats cool. How about you write a concert review? We are too busy to do it ourselves, and we couldn't possibly get out to every Godsmack show. Plus, we want to make this site as interactive as possible. You can also read reviews that other people have written? Click here.

    So you saw or are going to see Godsmack? Excellent! Want to tell other people how cool it was? Here's the place. This easy-to-use form will allow you to review a Godsmack show and you very own review, unedited, will be instantaneously avialable for all see and read. Just fill out the form. If you are wondering what to write, you might want to include who they played with, some of the best songs they played, how wicked they sounded, how packed the venue was, any important things that happened at the show, how they sounded compared to the CD or other shows, and maybe an overall opinion

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